Prokhorov O.V., Kholodniak O.O. National Aerospace University, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Leading companies in the healthcare sector today, in a rapidly changing world and amidst ubiquitous digital transformation, are accelerating the use of artificial intelligence (AI) for medical marketing. The potential of AI is seen here in analyzing data on patient behavior, campaign effectiveness, and market trends, as well as in automating repetitive marketing tasks.

Generally, the interaction between a doctor and a patient is a complex process that involves numerous nuances, ranging from individual medical needs of the patient to the specifics of a particular medical practice. As in other areas, success here is measured by customer satisfaction (in this case, patients) and treatment effectiveness. Traditionally, this process relied on the personal experience of medical professionals, but with the development of information technologies and AI, new opportunities have emerged for optimizing and improving the quality of medical marketing and patient care. It should be noted that the approach known as the “sales funnel” [1] and its understanding for medical marketing are extremely important. This method allows tracking the patient’s journey from the first contact with a medical institution to the completion of treatment and follow-up, helping to understand and optimize each interaction stage for overall efficiency.

Therefore, a multi-agent simulation model of the interaction between the doctor and the patient based on the “sales funnel” is proposed, which will allow conducting simulation experiments to optimize patient engagement processes, accompanying stages of diagnosis, treatment, and increasing patient satisfaction in accordance with changing medical needs and technological trends. Modeling the medical marketing process, we also integrate AI methods and tools. AI-based chatbots, content creation, and correspondence with patients using generative AI, automated entry of medical data, and report creation, etc. AI technologies can improve marketing efforts and ensure the desired patient engagement. By interpreting simulation results in real-time, marketers can achieve better outcomes, increase patient engagement, and improve conversion rates.

1. Zervas, S. (2023). Strategic Marketing Funnel Models in Healthcare: The Role of Healthcare Professionals and Patients in the Referral Paths and the Consumerization of Healthcare Industry. Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness, 17(2).